Monthly Archives: March 2012

Acts of Kindness

Last week I received an email from a New Yorker named Mark, who had stumbled across my essay about my dad’s acquaintance with Alger Hiss. (Short refresher: At the beginning of the Red Scare, Hiss was accused of committing espionage … Continue reading

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Best Practices

  David Finch The Journal of Best Practices by David Finch purports to offer marriage advice to people with Asperger syndrome. Finch discovered he had the disorder when his beleagered wife administered an online personality test, on which he scored … Continue reading

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Surprising Myself

I had no idea I would enjoy and even admire Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua. I had no intention of even reading it until a couple of friends, Robin and Bill, vouched for it on Facebook. Glad … Continue reading

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