Fall Breads

My gardening friends will blanch to hear that I’ve purchased zucchini in order to make zucchini bread. They still have some hanging out in their vegetable drawer and even more in their freezers. Since I shouted, “Uncle!” to our neighborhood deer a few years ago, I raise only a few herbs out in our garden. I actually have to buy tomatoes, cucumbers, and zucchini.

These fall breads are fun and easy to make. The pumpkin bread I made a couple of weeks ago was satisfying, but it’s not my favorite. My family members don’t like banana bread, so that leaves zucchini bread or maybe something cinnamon-gingery to try. Something with apples always appeals.

Here’s the zucchini bread recipe I followed. Because it’s called “the best,” it has to be best, right? This, like most such recipes, produces two loaves, so you have one to stick in the freezer or to give away. Or you can always halve the measurements.

Grating the zucchini is the only aspect of the recipe you can possibly complain about, and a food processor makes short work of that. (Then you get to complain about washing the food processor parts.)

This bread made for a fun treat to share with the grandchildren, and, as you can see, a lovely light lunch for me. So extremely nutritious, too!

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