I like watching America’s Test Kitchen videos on PBS or YouTube. Sometimes the recipes are too fussy, with lots of steps I can’t be bothered with. But when Becky, one of the chefs, tells me to do something, I’m willing to try it, because she’s so cheerful and sincere and the dishes usually turn out well.
Her extra smooth hummus is an example. You have to boil the canned chickpeas for 20 minutes with a little baking soda in the water and then skim off the skins. When you process them, you add lemon juice and garlic and water and tahini in stages.
I can make pretty good hummus by dumping all the ingredients into the food processor at one time, no boiling required. But this hummus was extra good, I thought, and extra smooth, and worth the trouble. I had no pita bread but laid out some veggies and regular bread to accompany the hummus. Tonight I finished off the leftover hummus.
Here’s a hint about finding America’s Test Kitchen recipes. If you don’t want to subscribe to ATK, you can usually find their recipe filched by another YouTuber or website. When the recipe is featured in a YouTube video, of course, you can get it directly. Watch here to see Becky prepare the hummus and cut her vegetables into oh-so-attractive wedges.
What’s your favorite hummus? Canned beans or dried?
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